Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Like the sands of time in an hour glass, so goes the days of our lives"

Grace 2006... 2 years old
 March 16, 2019... My family has a long history of listening on the radio then watching soap stories on TV. I can picture my Aunt Louise ironing clothes on a hot summer day listening to "Ma Perkins". My Father was not even immune. He would leave work for lunch to rush home and watch "Search for Tomorrow". I bring this up because my Granddaughter, Grace mentioned at lunch yesterday that I haven't written on my blog in a very long time, January 2014 to be exact so when I decided to resume writing, the prologue from "Days of our Lives" came to mind.... "like sands through an hourglass, these are the days of our lives". That is exactly how I feel. 

Grace 2018... 14 years old

Where did the time go? In joy and love being with our children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren, family and friends. Dave Ramsey says in reply to How are you. "Blessed more than I deserve", so am I.  The years have only made our children more wonderful, if that's possible and our grandchildren more beautiful and handsome. The added benefit is that they are all so brilliant. It is lovely in one's golden years to have great resources and mentors. I hardly have to make decisions at all. I can hardly speak of my Granddaughter, Grace without my heart swelling so full, tears come to my eyes. She is so dear to me and without her I would never be able to choose the best make-up and skincare. I am amazed at her beauty inside and out, her spiritual growth and generosity to name only a few of her sterling qualities.

These blog posts are dedicated to our grandchildren... more to come on the nine other wonderful ones.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Falling down on the job

I can't believe I haven't posted since Friday... as my son would say "unbelievable".

You may have guessed January is a big birthday month... 1st Granddaughter, 8th Elvis and me 9th.  January 10th is Jay Fischetti's birthday. Jay is friend to my son, Matthew and son of my real estate broker, Jim and his wife, Grace who are my friends in Laurel, Maryland from way back. Can't believe Jay is 40 something. I wished him "Happy Birthday" on Facebook and reminded him of when he was 10 and son, Matthew 9... they talked me into taking them to the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. We had dinner at McGee's... where I met Irv Gershowitz. Story goes 10 year old Jay told his mother, Grace "Ms. Teems is going to marry him" and... she did!

Saturday morning finds us at Shabbat services. Irv and I are so blessed to have found Mishkan David. Rabbi's sermons, the worship, fellowship and friendship is a true blessing to us.

Saturday afternoon begins NFL playoff games. As I told someone today... every team I wanted to win lost so if you're a betting person, now you know who to bet on... any team I want to loose. No matter, it's just a game. Right!

Saturday evening, January 11th was a wonderful birthday celebration for daughter, Julie. She hosted nine of us for "make your own gourmet pizza". First find the parchment paper with your name on it to put your individual Indian bread on, then here are just  few of our topping choices... 7 different cheeses, figs, dates, lox, olives, red and white sauce, peppers, sauteed garlic (I can't remember them all). And desert... she made her Grandmother, Dot's strawberry cake and homemade cheesecake. She made a great meal for her birthday. 

The subject became changing flat tires... reminded my sister-in-love of a January when we were sixteen and had driven her father's Studebaker up to High Tower Mountain just outside Cedartown, GA to prepare for a surprise birthday party. We were presented with a flat tire when finished and ready to go home. No big deal, we can change it... unbeknownst to us, on a Studebaker one turns the lug nuts the opposite way. No worries we figured it out and as they say the rest is history and an amusing story to tell at gatherings.

Sunday is NFL football playoffs and preparing for our carpets to be cleaned on Monday. Taking a break from my preparations... 
 I check Facebook and surprise... I have a message asking if I'm Wanda Szypulski and attended Sylvan High School. I replied, yes and my long, lost friend and I began messaging back and forth with memories long since forgotten. Turns out I dated her brother and... she had visited my home on a number of occasions when my Mother asked her to dinner and... was baptized in my church. I don't remember that at all. Remember her face and... of course, her brother. Someone I met 60 years ago back in my life and we can't wait to get together. What a blessing... God is soooooooooo good!

Monday morning, final preparations for carpet cleaning. Our kitty, Jack has a sensitive stomach so regardless of copious clean-ups and ordinary dirt, carpet is really dirty. Jack say, "Who me?"...  and laundry. 

Our apartment has a place for a washer/dryer but I didn't want to spend the money when we moved to Marietta in 2012 and now... the space is filled floor to ceiling and wall to wall as a pantry so we washed clothes at Julie's until her washer broke. Now we use the laundry facility at our apartment complex. Much quicker... I only wash once a month so fill all the machines at one time! Afterward we went to Home Depot so I could buy a 4x8 piece of press board and have them cut four strips. I am putting it on top of my kitchen cabinets so I can put decorative but items I use on top of cabinets... more "stuff". 

Tuesday, continuing to put "stuff" back in place which takes a very long time as I am cleaning each item as I go and what else... re-arranging. Irv took the other two strips of press board and is making shelves in our balcony storage room so he can have more "stuff". 

As my Mother would say, "Now we are to pooped to pop" so Magianno's leftovers for dinner and goodnight to all.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Birthday Blessings

My birthday started by finding a greeting card from Irv by the coffee pot. He knows where I go first. I opened the card and was immediately concerned as I couldn't read what he wrote. What's wrong with him that he just wrote a scribble? Did he have a clot in his brain? NO... he just wrote his greeting backwards to be funny and cute!!! He was so proud of himself as well he should be. What a great surprise and treat!

Next as I was painting my face, Daughter-in-law, Faith called. I was grateful that she took the time to call in her busy tax season and sorry I only had a short time to talk since I had to get on the road.

Irv and I have a new favorite, pre-AL trip breakfast place... J. Christopher's. The food is very good and plentiful. You know I took a to-go box which included the large strawberry blintz topped with whip cream they gave me for my birthday. (happy Irv ate it for breakfast this morning)

So now on the way to AL on this grey GA morning. No matter, there's sunshine in our hearts cause we love driving trips and AL cheap gas.  I check to find which pocket of cheap gas is lowest so we can fill up on the way home... there it is: Oxford, AL at $2.99. Irv paid $3.04 at Sam's Club in Marietta but as he will tell you... a nickel a gallon is a nickel to me.

Grandson Eric called on the way to AL with birthday greetings so we got to hear about his trip to Israel. An organization whose goal is to connect young Jewish Americans with Israel, the Promised Land and so provide a completely free 10 days trip and Eric did connect. Last year Grandson, Adam was able to take the trip. Both enjoyed Masada and the story of those ancestors' courage most and next being able to spend several days with 3 young people in the military.

We get to the University of AL Dental School (UAB) early but no matter. Soon our resident Dr. Matthew Rasmussen (Dr. Huggybear to his friends including us) takes us back for Irv's procedure. Let me back up to share our breathtaking blessing. In December Irv was referred to the UAB periodontal department for an exam and consultation about more extensive treatment so we met with Dr. Huggybear and his professor (all professors are practicing dentists as well) for another exam and consultation regarding treatment. Dr. Huggybear said, "no charge as you are ongoing patients". Wow, that's nice! I asked him for an estimate of charges for the upcoming January procedure. He said, "Nominal, I'm sure" so I expected, based on past charges $40-70.

Yesterday, not only did he do the procedure but... cleaned stains off Irv's teeth (not included... on no, more money). Next the professor checked his work and discussed further treatment. After we scheduled our next appointment, I asked where we pay on the periodontal floor. Dr. Huggybear said, "oh, no charge. I didn't do much." What??? He did over and hour's worth of work plus at least 10 minutes with the professor. I said, "Hey, I don't want UAB to go broke. AL's football coach just got a raise to $7,000,000 a year." He laughed and said, "no worries, you all are so nice. No charge". We were speechless and couldn't stop talking about God's unexpected, surprise blessing all the way home. Really, have you ever heard of such a thing????? 

I told  Daughter, Julie, " we can drive over for Irv's regularly scheduled quarterly special cleaning and pay the  fee, gas and dinner out on the way home for only $2.35 more than the goniff  (Yiddish word: an unscrupulous opportunist who stoops to sharp practice; thief) dentist in Marietta charged us for "now we know the difference) a not so good cleaning. I heard a Baptist preacher on tape years ago say, "We can give (shovel it out) as fast as we can but... God's got a bigger shovel to put more back in". That was our experience yesterday and we thank Him.

Irv took me to Maggiano's Italian Restaurant for dinner. Two treats, they have an eat one here and take one home for another day special on 8 different entrees and... we missed rush hour traffic.

Son, Ben then Son, Matthew called with greetings. Of course, I talked their ears off but finally at 10pm, we settled down to our Netflix movie. Son, Michael put it on our TV at Christmas.

Another birthday and most of all... thinking of my Mother who gave birth and raised me with care.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

2008 Irv and I were at Twin Lakes RV Park in Cumming, GA.  We were clueless about available medical care. Our daughter-in-law, Cam owns her own firm as a consultant that builds breast cancer centers all over the country for Breast Surgeons and Hospitals had asked us to stay in GA to help out with Granddaughter, Grace and work part-time to help her build a breast center at the Floyd County Hospital in Rome, GA.  She... knows everything. How does the saying go? "It's not what you know but who you know!". 

I needed an Ophthalmologist so Cam recommended  Dr. Frances Dickinson "Dickie" McMullan. "Dickie" is an answered prayer... so much so when we moved to the Keys in 2009, I made a point of seeing her before we left and when we came up for Kelly and Emily graduations in 2010, I got my check-up. When we moved back to GA permanently in 2012, she did  successful cataract surgery on both eyes. The only problem is inflammation and too much pressure in my left eye. At my visit today, she was very happy with my new 20/25 vision with no inflammation but the pressure in my left eye was a tad too much. She noticed on my medications list I prepared that I use Flosamax (a steroid) drops for allergies and steroids increase pressure in the eye. I will discontinue for a month and she'll check it again in February. I have been on Flosamax for years and... it's been on my meds list I provide to all my doctors. Her physician's assistant normally notes med on chart so it was the first time "Dickie" had it brought to her attention. I have always said, "One must be one's own advocate". Don't expect doctor's to know, notice and be aware of anything... seriously!!! 

Recently I had an episode with extremely high blood pressure. Irv and I had found Dr. Shravantika Reddy, a Geriatric primary care physician who spoke a our senior center. We love her!!! She is very conservative and generous. At my last visit, she told me Medicare will no longer pay for Cholesterol blood work but... if she thinks I need it, I'll have it and if Medicare won't pay.. she'll write it off. Anyway, she put me on a blood pressure medication that according to the pharmacist has a side effect of severe coughing but try it. I did and it did so I call her to say, "You've got to put me on something else".  NOW, she knows I am on four medications for allergies, coughing being a problem and... she puts me on a medication that makes me cough!!! 

Anyway, all this murmuring (isn't that a sin) there is excellent news. In the course of my conversation with "Dickie", I had occasion to say, "Something good always comes out of anything bad.". She stopped what she was doing, turned around and said, "What did you say?". I repeated it and she told me she had been up since 4a.m. reading a book The Goldfinch whose author believes the same thing and shared stories in the book. I remarked our Pastor in the Keys put it simply, "We live on a fallen planet in a broken world". We will have bad things happen but I "testified" that I am God's spoiled child who is abundantly blessed, favored and protected but when bad things happen, He is with me every step of the way. "Dickie" told me her sister is a woman of great faith like that and it's the most important thing. Amen!!!

Next... get emissions done, pay ad valor um auto tax and get tags. One expects long lines but... again God blessed us with barely a five minute wait so off to Chili's for lunch with our gift card in hand.

Lovely lunch at Chili's, darling, sweet and attentive server who... just happened to have gone to school and graduated with Granddaughter, Kelly since middle school... had all good things to say about sweet, quiet, gentle Kelly or as she said this morning on the phone, "Those days are long gone." No more quiet, soft-spoken girl... at least to her Grandma and Mother. She's very gentle with Grandpa. 

Home again to batten down the hatches for sub -0- weather. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

How quick can a woman move furniture?

My son, Michael was born in January 1960 and the next summer, we moved into our first home... an Atlanta Public Housing apartment across from GA Tech with concrete floors at a rent of $29 a month including utilities. Our heat didn't cost them anything... we had radiator steam heat that came from Atlanta's trash burning incinerator. Read an article in Forbe's Magazine on a town in Connecticut who has gone back to using trash to generate electricity and has become a huge success that other towns are looking into doing. When daughter, Julie was born, they moved us to a two bedroom apartment... no rent increase. What a deal, half a block from GA Tech.

 I tell you this to tell you when we moved to Maryland into a three bedroom, hardwood floor, air conditioned apartment for $157 a month, I thought I was in "hog heaven". 

Happily, my neighbor, Geri Scholl across the hall took me under her wing and we became fast friends. She lost her battle with cancer 11 years ago but am still best friends with her husband, Russ and his second wife, Kathy. Anyway... every Friday Geri and I cleaned and did laundry... I mean cleaned from the closets out and... moved every stick of furniture. God forbid our husbands would come home in the dark, they'd kill themselves tripping over furniture from week to week Again, I tell you this to tell you... I am addicted (as is my daughter-in-law, Cam) to moving furniture and re-arranging in general.

Irv ran over to Sam's Club to fill up with gas so we would have plenty to drive over to my eye doctor appointment Monday morning and... he wouldn't have to stand outside in -2,000 degrees to pump it.

Remember I am up to Step 2 with the Christmas decorations but... my burning desire was to re-arrange the living room furniture... just didn't like it the way it was so I figured I could do it in the time it took Irv to get gas. Sam's is 2.2 miles away and takes 4+/- minutes to get there so plenty of time. Man, was just putting the last table in place when he walked in the door. Cool beans!!!

Afterward I did put the decorations in boxes and am ready for Step 3... find a closet where the boxes will fit. Cousin Diane passed some additional decorations down to us so need to find space.

Did I really say "Cool Beans"? Irv had asked for Bean Soup... our winter favorite with corn bread. I make my soup from dry beans so I put big white butterbeans, Navy beans, small and large dark red kidney beans on to cook as I moved furniture and boxed the decorations. Added carrots, celery, spices and black bean corn salsa... done! Of course, you can't make just a little so my black cast iron dutch oven was full but... winter is great. Irv put it out on our patio or as we call it our "second fridge".


Actually, it might freeze! Oh, did I forget to tell you we finished the Mascarpone Cheesecake for desert. Too bad... back to ice cream!

Very happy camper except not satisfied with frames and placement of Christmas Pictures on living room walls but as Miss Scarlett from whom I learned about how to be a spoiled southern girl (for all you yankees... that's Gone with the Wind) said, "I can't think about that today! I'll just go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow. After all tomorrow is another day.". Got to assume the position on the sofa and watch some football!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Keeping commitments to myself

I shared with my Granddaughter, Emily at lunch the other day that in 2014 my commitment to God is to grow in my spiritual walk by not procrastinating for a start. She asked, "What does that have to do with your spiritual walk? A good question from a girl graduating from a Bible College so I gave her the easy answer. God expects me to "do the next right thing" to honor Him and... doing what needs to be done before I do what I want to do is the "next right thing" so... today is the day I take the Christmas Decorations down. I wanted to leave them up so our friend could enjoy them as we watched the Orange Bowl. Why does it seem to take as much time to take them down as put them up... when so many decisions have to be made to put them is just the right place? Regardless, I got them all down and on the dining room table so I can pack them up in Step 2. During the process God blessed me twofold... 1. had NFL playoff football games to keep me company as I worked and; 2. Irv suggested we had leftover pizza for dinner. Praise the Lord. To tired to cook!

I took time off from my work to watch with Irv... my son, Matthew's friend C.A.M. Wagner's memorial service live streaming on the computer from McLean Bible Church in Northern Virginia. Matthew met him when they both were on the DC Board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Scriptures were read from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible. The service was two hour long and very inspiring. I could easily see why Matthew loved C.A.M. so much and took his loss so hard. Hearing the testimony (s) of his life certainly inspired me to do as the Big Book of AA in the 4th Step... take a fearless and moral inventory of my life and walk with the Lord in this year of my seeking God more deeply.

My BFF, Nancy's son's family attended McLean Bible Church when they lived in Northern Virginia. I think it is so precious that a Messianic Jew is their pastor. "McLean Bible Church is a non-denominational, evangelical Christian megachurch with multiple locations in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Lon Solomon, a Jewish convert to Christianity, has been MBC's senior pastor since 1980. Solomon also serves on the board of directors of Jews for Jesus and was appointed by President George W. Bush to the President's Committee for Intellectual Disabilities. An average of 13,000 adults attend each weekend across the church’s several campuses.[1] McLean Bible Church holds weekly worship services across many locations, or campuses, around the DC area. The church offers live webcasts of its Sunday services. The vision statement of McLean Bible Church is to "make an impact on secular Washington with the message of Jesus Christ."

Starving, so I ate my leftover Southwestern egg rolls from dinner at Chili's with Michael, Cam and Grace on December 23rd. Made a dipping sauce of sour cream, garlic and onion powder with a teaspoon of Cumin. Yum, Yum. Irv ate Pizza. We are working on finishing the Mascarpone Lemon Cheesecake I bought as desert at Aldi's for the Orange Bowl. Again... Yum, Yum!!!

Now I'm filled and it's time to assume the prone position on the sofa with my little furry heater on my legs, Jack the Cat and... watch the last game. Goodnight to all.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pizza, friend and Orange Bowl Game

Woke up and stumbled to the kitchen to make my caffeine fix  (thought of Kris Kristoffersen's lyrics in Sunday Mornig sans alcohol and cigarettes). 

On the counter by the coffee pot was a note from Irv "gone to the VA to get my glasses fixed". We love the huge VA Medical Center in Atlanta (had great experiences with the VA everywhere). Getting his eyes examined and free glasses is just one benefit. So I'm up and reasonably awake after drinking half my coffee (coffee to wake up, cinnamon for my veins, Kennesaw, GA honey for my allergies and Almond Milk for my heart... eat your heart out Starbucks) when Irv calls, "I'm lost. On I-85 south, should have gone north, shouldn't I?". The answer is yes... I-75 south to I-85 north to X91 and don't get on I-285. Did you ever notice how many "5's" there are in life except for Hotlanta where GA 400 is essential.

As soon as Irv gets home, he's making his heath shake and filling his water container to go for his walk in this cold weather. He found a new park with baseball and tennis courts and... disregarding the "no golf" signs, golfers practice here so Irv collects the balls he finds and was planning to set up a table and give them out in the spring but when we picked BFF, Nancy up at her son, Greg's house last Saturday... as Greg was putting her luggage in the car, he saw the bag a baseballs and questions Irv. Turns out Greg needs balls for the team in the spring so a gift from Irv.

Irv took an abbreviated walk due to the cold so I took off the get my nails done and pick up the pizza's from Aldi's. Was gonna order for delivery from Domino's across Roswell Road from us (a good mile, if that) and discovered they were going to charge me $2.75 to deliver and taxed me not only on the pizza but... delivery as well plus I would give a tip so I said to myself... not in this life! Got a 16" supreme and Spinach, tomato and goat cheese pizza then doctored them up. Put a little olive oil and tomato, basil feta on the Spinach pizza and tomato sauce; Italian salad dressing and mega Parmesan cheese on the supreme. Yummy and... less than $10 plus my own ingredients.

Our friend from Mishkan David, Margaret (the Ohio State fan) came over for dinner and the game. I was really torn as who to root for because, of course Margaret but... our dear friends from the keys, Sandy and James are from SC and ardent Clemson fans but discretion being the better part of valor and since we cheered for Clemson last year when we went to the Chick-fil-A Bowl, we cheered for the Buckeyes. It's been a sad bowl season for us... GA Tech, GA, MD, AL and now the Buckeyes lost. Our last hope is Auburn!!!

Enough writing time... gotta take down the Christmas decorations.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Continuing Family

Met my 21 year old, college senior Granddaughter, Emily for lunch today. I had her all to myself, alone for 3 hours. What an amazing blessing. She is being graduated from Toccoa Falls College in May 2014 from the private Missionary Alliance College. The majority of students are going into the mission field and the TFC motto is... "The sun never sets on a TFC Missionary" as they are all over the world. Emily caught me up on her life and hopes for an internship with a church in the UK, next and final semester at TFC then I mentioned the upcoming Blood Red moons in 2014 and 2015 so we drifted into a discussion of prophecy regarding Jesus second coming which led to her sharing about several of her professors and Bible classes including that next semester, she will be taking a class on Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. I can't tell you how my heart swells with gratitude at Emily's walk with the Lord and know... my Mother who is waiting for us in heaven, directed our walk with her example and calloused knees from praying for her loved ones.

Bringing 2013 to a close with family

After God... my two favorite things is family and football. When I'm able to combine the two, it's the berry, berry best!!!  

Irv and I met Cousin Lanny and his lovely wife, Diane at The Varsity (great greasy food) for dinner then headed down to the GA Dome for the 
Chick-fil-A Bowl Game... Texas A&M vs Duke. It's not a matter of who I like best, rather who I hate least which turns out to be Duke and... of course they lost but we had a wonderful time in our plush leather seats on the 50 yard line in the Verizon Club Lounge section. After the game, we got out of the Dome and the parking garage quickly but somehow my police officer cousin, Lanny (who hasn't been downtown recently) lost his way. We ended up in a bad (his words) neighborhood where we heard what I thought was fireworks but Irv, Lanny and Diane identified a gunshots... pop, pop, pop, pop!!! I wasn't alarmed because my Uncle Charlie always shot his gun on holidays and... let us shoot it as well. Lanny reminded me, we don't live in that world anymore and gunshots are something to be concerned about so he got "his" licensed to carry gun out of the glove box and put it in his lap. 

Did I forget to mention that Lanny is a retired police officer who has been on the Swat Team and a detective?  

Could have told him angels had the car surrounded!!! Our adventure ended quickly and we were on the bright and shining road back to The Varsity to pick up our car. On the way home, Irv and I talked about how good it is to be with family and... how much he loves being in Atlanta (I vote for that). So we bring 2013 to a close.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012 Greetings and Blessings from Georgia

  1. Shalom, mercy, grace.
                                Irv and I give thanks to God, praying always for you.

A year of tearful, sad Goodbyes to…
children Sharon, Arno,  and grandson Lucas, Keys Vineyard Church and beloved friends, our RV, keys warm winters, peaceful ocean, gentle breezes and glorious, golden sunsets but… medical care, frugal shopping venues limited but great to keep up with all on  Facebook!!!

Hello to Georgia (who says you can’t go home again?) Feels sooooooo good!!!

~ Back to children Julie, Michael, Cam and grandchildren Kelly, Emily and Grace, cousins Lanny and wife Diane, Debbie and husband Greg. Friends in Wanda’s hometown, at birth and can still point out the house (not a hospital) where the big event took place

~ lovely, huge (to us after 40' RV for 6 years), Swiss Family Robinson apartment in a beautiful wooded setting… Half-way to heaven in the GA pines. Dinner on the balcony Spring, Summer and Fall. Back to season changes. Had an above average warm winter and not too hot summer…
weather not a problem, I still stand on... 
 James 5:17-18… Elijah, human just like us, prayed it wouldn't rain, it didn't - not a drop for 3 ½ years. Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. "
Thanks to our children/grandchildren and friends w/o whom, we couldn’t have made the move. Boxes from Cheryl Doerfel ; Sharon/Arno’s UPS discount shipping and all those great kitchen appliances; Michael who “put us, “Jack the cat” up until we moved into apt; Julie furnished bedroom (kingsize bed, linens, night stand, lamps); Cam furnished living, dining room; Michael gave TV’s. Matthew, grandson, Caleb flew in from DC. Along with Michael, Granddaughter, Grace, Julie and Kelly moved us in. Wouldn’t let us lift a finger!  They left, all was in place, bed made, we’re set!  Too many who contributed and blessed us to mention. Thanks to 5+ thrift stores close by, we’ve (within budget) decorated beautifully and created a gourmet kitchen for Irv to make those scrumptious, healthy meals.
~ 95 churches w/in 5 miles of our apt. New friends at Messianic Congregation Mishkan David on Shabbat and Marietta Vineyard on Lord’s Day . Monthly visit to church we attended in GA 2008-2009. Then B&B Diner lunch, owners are straight from Brooklyn/Queens as evidenced by their bagels so BIG Irv can’t eat one. Linger over lunch until 2pm closing, they give bags filled with ½ dozen free bagels. YEH!!!

~ Massive Atlanta VA Medical Center with valet parking. Everyone there has “treated” Irv great! Irv is involved in a 9 year blood pressure NIH study administered by VA.

Civilian healthcare on every corner. At the Senior Center we found a great doctor  specializing in geriatric care. It was love at first shot (Did I really say that?).

~ stores, food stores (too many to count w/in 3 miles). Restaurants as far as the eye can see. No recession in GA. I hear tell (as they say in GA) if I eat at a different restaurant every day of my life, live to be 100, I won’t have to eat at the same restaurant twice

~ Free activity, exercise and/or entertainment every day of the week…

          Our apt complex sponsors dinners, jazz concerts by pool , fitness center, more…

          “Nosh Fest” at local synagogue. Dr. Brown Cream Soda, Potato Latka, Kosher Pickle, Knish, Kugel and… Irv ate a Corn Beef Sandwich.

 State of the art Senior Centers… lectures, movies, lunch; Aquatic center: 21 swimming lanes, water walking. Irv walks 10+ miles a week at his favorite: East Cobb Park and carved a great walking stick out of a limb then wrote his name, park, year and will add years as he continues walking. Goes to Cosmos Gym free (AARP Senior Sneakers). met his goal of riding 100 miles on the stationary bike in one month for his birthday in July.

Library: great movies “Memphis Belle”; State Park and zoo free passes. Local $1 movie on Tuesday but goes up to $1.75 otherwise

 Kennesaw State University’s senior program “Olli” socials (dinner, dancing with live band )  every 3 months… 1940’s, Luau, Halloween parties to name a few

~ Great visit to grandson, Jason and lovely UK bride, Karina’s wedding weekend at the WV Mtn Camp where they met, fell in love and to see Best Men, Grandsons Adam and Eric, Family, extended family… new UK family and friends. Next DC to visit Matthew, Kristianne, Grandchildren: Madeleine, Caleb and Owen. Who slept with granddog, 95 pound Texas? Oh, and walked 75 pound Granddog, Georgia. US!!!  Baltimore next to spend a night with Ben and Faith. Irv loved the Maryland Crabs!!!  Thanks all for the great hospitality.

~ Football BIG in GA. High School games on TV. UGA playing for SEC, GA Tech playing for ACC Championships.  No one replaces Redskins or Ravens but Irv likes Falcons.

~ Praise, glory to God… His promises are sure, everlasting. He orchestrated our move, blesses us, provides ALL needs, showers abundant blessing. Deuteronomy 28 excerpts   “all will come, blessing…  in city and country; your children (grandchildren,) basket, bread bowl. He'll bless you in the land (Georgia), form you (us) as people holy to him, as he promised;  lavish you with good things, throw open doors, bless the work (service) you take in hand; You will lend not have to take  loans (or credit cards)”
~ Chag Chanukah Sameach… Blessed are You, our G-d Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and has commanded us to Kindle the Chanukah light. A Lichtigin Chanukah
~ Merry Christmas  "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us. Happy Birthday Jesus




Monday, September 3, 2012

For Grandson, Owen... Ryan was once a boy like you

   Ryan is second from the right.

BLUE ANGEL INTERVIEW: by  Jean-François Laissus in Canada 

Six F-18's taxi to a stop.  I’m distracted, testing my tape recorder so surprised by a very warm.. "Hello, Sir!". There in front of me, looking like a living recruiting poster, stands "Blue Five", Lt. Ryan Scholl who is very congenial. I'm immediately comfortable.
Lt. Scholl is from Beltsville, Maryland and attended Princeton University where he played varsity football and was graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science.

He was selected as part of the Blue Angels in 1995. His first year the Narrator (this is the year he made the Blue Angels movie which played at the Smithsonian I-Max)  then opposing Solo Pilot, followed by Lead Solo Pilot in his four years..
I begin the interview by asking him how he became part of the Blue Angels:

"I joined the Navy and had been flying F/18s. When I achieved certain steps in my career, I then was able to apply to the team. The year I applied to the Blue Angels, there were about 65 five applicants for two Navy pilots jobs and I was lucky enough to be part of those two."

Lt. Scholl's naval career is quite impressive. He received his commission as an Ensign from Aviation Officer Candidate School earning the Distinguished Naval Graduate in 1988. He was designated a Naval Aviator, earning his wings in 1990, he served with the "Gunslingers" of VA-105.  Lt. Scholl then made the transition to the F/A-18C Hornet. He served aboard aircraft carriers USS Kitty Hawk, USS John F. Kennedy and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.

I was curious to know if Lt. Scholl had the goal of being part of the Blue Angels early on. His answer stresses the importance of the training all Naval Aviators receive… "When I joined the Navy, I thought the Blue Angels were the "Be all, End all" of all Naval Aviation and you had to be a superb pilot of incredible skills. As I grew in my flying ability and skills, I found out just about any naval aviator could do it.

Once on the Team, I realized we, on the Team, really love representing the Navy, Marine Corps and US Government.

With the training involved in being a Navy pilot, to be able to land aboard a ship, learn all the other tactical flying skills, even with our training, the Blue Angels is  very tough… the toughest flying I have ever done, but we receive training above all training that I’ve ever had in the Navy. That’s how we are able to do this, to make it look so exciting, and also yet have it be so completely safe."

I immediately notice some key words Lt. Scholl is using: Skills, Team, Training… Obviously, being the Blue Angels Lead Solo has not made Lt.  Scholl loose the sense of being part of a team. The Blue Angels success relies on this team effort. I also notice Lt. Scholl is showing a great deal of modesty! Having won the 1993, the strike-fighter community’s Scott Speicher Award for superior tactical weapon delivery. He was also named Carrier Air Wing Three’s pilot of the Year. He certainly *is* one of the best!

Lt. Scholl is keenly aware of his, and his fellow Blue Angels role as representatives of the best the Navy, America has to offer and are obviously role models for a lot of young people. I ask him what are the most rewarding aspects of being part of the Blue Angels… "One of the greatest things is being able to walk out and see smiles on the kids’ faces. Even on a day when I didn’t perform so well, I gave it all I had and it was just not coming all together. Then I see the smiles on the kids’ faces. To know I am going to have an effect on what is going to happen in their lives is very rewarding. I may not recruit them to go in the Navy, but hopefully if they have a choice down the road somewhere to go the right way or the wrong way, maybe they’ll have a look back and be influenced somewhat by what we do."

I ask if a young person would think of getting into Naval Aviation, what might he or she consider doing now that would help later to achieve their goals.

Lt. Scholl's answer is very enlightening. "I think one of the greatest things I talk about is making simple commitments. You are going to get the job done and are going to work as hard as you can at everything you do. Once you have that simple commitment, whether it’s hanging up your clothes in your closet or even on your final exam, if you do the best you can at everything that you do, there is really nothing that you cannot achieve, whether you want to be a Blue Angel or if you want to be successful at whatever you do."

Lt. Scholl, very kindly, asks permission to leave for his debriefing. I could keep on listening to him for hours, but I know he is on a very tight schedule. I thank him and he joins the other Blue Angels. I've just met a great person. I am so pumped by the meeting with Lieutenant Scholl, I'm almost ready to head to the nearest recruiter and sign up!

Captain Ryan Benjamin Scholl, Commanding Officer

Personal decorations include: Bronze Star, four Meritorious Service Medals, two Strike/Flight Air Medals, three Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals,  three Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals and various unit, campaign and service ribbons;  He has accumulated over 4200 tactical jet flight hours and 734 carrier landings.


Following his assignment with the Blue Angels, Captain Scholl reported to the “Rampagers” of VFA-83 in 1998 as department head tour and made two Mediterranean/Arabian Gulf deployments aboard USS EISENHOWER and USS WASHINGTON

In 2001, he reported to the Navy War College in Newport, Rhode Island.
Captain Scholl reported to VFA-81 as Executive Officer in 2003, and assumed command of the “Sunliners” in  2004 completing a Mediterranean/Arabian Gulf deployment.

In 2006, Captain Scholl assumed command of the Joint Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), Asadabad, Afghanistan. His team conducted hundreds of construction, governance and humanitarian assistance missions in Kunar and Nuristan provinces..

Captain Scholl completed Navy Nuclear Power Training curriculum and reported in 2009 as Executive Officer of the USS ENTERPRISE.

2011, Captain Scholl assumed command… . 
USS Ashland... Mission Statement
To conduct Amphibious operations through transporting, launching and supporting assault landing craft, Marines and their combat cargo to designated areas throughout the world. ASHLAND can accommodate 400 Marines and support personnel. The 440 ft well deck can hold four Landing Craft Air Cushion vehicles (LCAC), three Landing Craft Utilities (LCU), or up to sixty-four Amphibious Assault Vehicles

Saturday, July 21, 2012

2012 July 22... This week's fun

Sunday morning dawns and I lazy in bed until 7:45. Coffee in hand, ready to go. It's a great Sunday morning. We separate the Panera bread and place in plastic bags for the taking. Our cafe couple are on vacation so I help set up then have a quick breakfast before I go to my post checking the children in with Lauren. Irv has been commandeered to fill in as greeter at the front door. Service and sermon wonderful. At testimony time, I got to share that today is my 15th Anniversary in Sobriety by the grace and healing of God for which I... and I'm sure all who knew/know me are thankful also.

Relaxing Sunday afternoon... Irv watching Atlanta play Dc in baseball after the British Open. I took a quick trip to the thrift store. Sunday is the 50$ off color of the week changeover so I picked up a few service dishes and baskets. As I told Irv... all the years I took for granted all the "stuff" we had for ourselves and to entertain.

Quick phone call to Michael to invite he and Grace over Tuesday for Irv's "real" birthday dinner!!!
Had a chance to have a good conversation with daughter-in-love, Cam this evening. We are going to be studying a book written by Kerry Shook One Month to Live. Cam suggested we make it a group study. As I told Irv and Cam... with the events in CO this week, it is imperative we remember that we aren't promised another minute to live and act accordingly; loving, forgiving and asking forgiveness for God and others; remembering what's really important. As Hank Williams, Jr. used to sing "We need an attitude adjustment"

Saturday, Irv's 77th Birthday lunch at the Marietta Cuban Diner.
I had a sure-fire plan to surprise him so Saturday morning just told him that Julie said to be at her house at Noon where I planned to join them in  saying, "Surprise, we're taking you to lunch" but when we got there... Julie and Kelly weren't there (what's up with that?" So while Irv watered the garden and all her outside plants I called her and she said, "Oh, I thought we were supposed to meet you at the Cuban diner". It's never boring here!
So I just told him we were going there for lunch and... he was surprised with the balloons and reserved table. The owner greeted him and took us to the table. We were treated like royalty and the food... oh, my how good!!! We made a plan though... do not eat all your food. Take it home. Have desert. Irv got a free desert for his birthday and chose "Three Milk Cake"  (blowing out candle on cake in pic upper left and birthday kisses pic on right). I had Mango, Key Lime pie and Julie Flan. We shared so had a variety.
During lunch I was sharing that the electric bill for 6/17 - 7/17 was $57 which is a God given miracle with the A/C when I turn it down to 74 degrees to sleep at night. I told them sleep and sweat do not mix. So they said, "Buy a fan". All the frugal websites I've read lately say the same thing so we walked down the block to Family Dollar and I bought a $15 fan which I put together as soon as I got home. What a deal!!!  Jack seems to love it...

8:45pm comes and we head over to Panera Bread to pick up the day's left-overs for church Sunday morning cafe.

After setting 3 different alarm times on my phone to get up at 0-dark 7am so we can take the goodies to church, I fall asleep in comfort with the new fan blowing a cooling breeze. Good night all.

Friday is exercise and return day... I returned nasal spray to Walmart, bought balloons at Dollar Tree to drop off at Cuban Diner for Irv's birthday surprise and reserved table.
Dinner is a joint affair... Irv tried his hand for first time at frying fish. We bought a bag of frozen talapia a while back and Irv has been cooking it in the microwave. Mushy, Mushy so he found a recipe for breaded, fried fish. It still fell apart but I told him that my Mother and Mother-in-law were expert fish frier's and theirs fell apart also. It was delicious. My contribution to the meal was a new recipe for kale topped with yellow beets. Again, delicious. Saved the Pot Liquor (for those of you who don't know, that's the liquid leftover from the kale with all the spices, garlic, ginger, basil and thyme plus red onion and olive oil). I'll use it to cook other vegies or on my pork roast in the crock pot. Always open to your ideas.
Thursday is afternoon run around... I went to a follow-up visit with Kim, my Nurse Practitioner at Atlanta Allergy and Asthma who wrote RX Nasal spray for post-nasal drip which I've had a problem with the last month or so (ongoing off/on deal) developed causing a need to clear throat frequently. She had given me a sample to try at last visit a month ago which helped about 55-60%.
Afterward we went around the corner to Michael's Crafts looking for bottle corks. Irv wanted a container to pour olive oil on his food which I found at the thrift store but needed a cork. Done! Irv is using olive oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Turmeric on his food.
Afterward we headed over to Walmart to fill RX...  Kim prescribed a generic to save money so I was shocked at a cost of $29 at Walmart no less, for a spray that was a lessor strength which didn't meet the dosage prescribed. As it turned out. There is no generic for Aspero .15% so to get that would increase the cost by $40. Trust me, a 55-60% improvement for $69 a month is not going to happen and... that is the cost with RX insurance I pay at $25.70 a month. My friend, Nancy pointed out I've had the problem as long as she's known me... 1979.
We then head home quickly to miss rush hour traffic coming off 285 (Atlanta's beltway) onto I-75 (9 lanes at that point as in pic left) onto South Marietta Loop onto our Roswell Road which is a 3 lane (one way) race trace but 4:30+ is a parking lot. Amazing, in our cozy Swiss Family Robinson apt 2 blocks into the woods off Roswell Road, we are clueless about rush hour traffic. Yeah!!! The year Julie bought her house, we rented a van so Irv could transport his chain saw to be the "grim reaper" on her overgrown property. In Greenville, SC he asked me when we would get there. I asked him how many lanes we had and he replied 2. I said, "well, keep counting and when we have 9, we're there".
Wednesday is exercise and shopping ... Now that Irv has reached his goal of 100 miles on the stationary bike in one week, he has a new work-out schedule. He goes M-W-F and since Wednesday is our grocery/thrift store shopping day, he decided to go early. Like in 6am early (crazy). He road the bike, walked the track at the YMCA and was home by 8:15.   He got all that done while I was still sleeping... imagine that!
Rested, Irv and I head out after lunch (always eat before grocery shopping) on our appointed rounds. I have to get very little 3-4 items at each store but with stopping a 2 thrift stores, it still took us 2 1/2 hours.
Irv made yummy Salmon for dinner. My contribution was sour cream and dill sauce, basmati  brown rice, black beans from dried with onions and cabbage, and broccoli.
Bible Study was great as usual but it felt funny without the joyful noise of our youth. Also missed the cookies they bring. By the looks of pictures on FB, they are having a blessed time at the KOA in
Cherokee, NC.
Tuesday's only outside activity was a quick trip to the Goodwill Store. Tuesday's is their senior day.
Monday, Irv exercises in the afternoon. I have decided to follow in my pastor's footsteps and take Monday off... a DO NOTHING day!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2012 July 15... this Week's Fun

Hello again from beautiful Marietta with all the Gershowitz happenings.

Irv and I thought we had our Sunday mornings at Marietta Vineyard Church scheduled to a tee... activities begin much earlier than other days in the week.
   ~ Every Sunday I have to be at church by 9:40am to eat Panera Bread pastries, relax with a coffee and visit before reporting to my post at 10am where I am thoroughly enjoying my job checking children in and making their name label for Sunday School as Assistant to 9 year old Lauren who is very patiently training me.
   ~ On the third Sunday we need to be there at 9am to help bag the bread for the "Free Bread" ministry and deliver pastries to the Fellowship Cafe staff to set up. We picked  up Panera Bread day's leftovers on Saturday night at 8:45pm.
   ~ Soooooooo we arranged to fulfill our Usher duties on the third Sunday as well. Makes sense, right? Except July 1 was the first Sunday so everything is thrown off. We Usher today and pick up bread next week. well, all in God's time!
Duties completed, we joined in the worship followed by Pastor Ron who has begun a series of sermons Word, Spirit, Power. This Sunday was on the Holy Spirit. Ron is a marvelous speaker who could just as easily be a stand-up comic so it is always a "keep your ears open" and be "on the edge of your seat" experience as he makes learning the Word and hearing God's message exceptional and manages to shed new light on any subject.
At the end of the service he asked if anyone wanted this filling of the Holy Spirit and at least 10 people came forward for prayer. I appreciate that the invitation is given every Sunday to anyone wanting and/or needing prayer. Afterward the youth group came forward so we could all pray for them as they head off to the Cherokee Indian Reservation on a Mission Trip this week.
Now we are all set for a Sunday afternoon to relax... I, writing my blog and Irv watching the Atlanta Braves sweep the series against the NY Mets. They are only 3 behind the Washington Nationals.
Irv got off to a hard start this morning. He said heartburn kept him up all night and did I have anything to relieve it? No, so open the laptop and google homemade heartburn remedies. After giving him a drink of 1 teaspoon baking soda in a cup of water... he was healed, ready to go to church,  and in good enough shape to eat a few jalapeno potato chips this afternoon.
Irv is convinced the 1/2 portion of one Fried Green Tomato he ate last night at  Noche Restaurant and Tequila Tapas Bar while celebrating Kelly's 24th birthday was the culprit creating the heartburn. We were surpirsed by Kelly's announcement that she has decided to stop wasting her time getting a Master's to get a teaching certificate in order to move toward her dream of moving to Europe using her degree in Fabric Design from the University of Georgia. Even as she was working full-time 40 hours a week and going directly from work to school 3 evenings a week, she made time to send off 25 resumes to textile companies in Europe. Wow, when you have 10 grandchildren, life is never dull. Checked my phone when we got home about 9:30pm and 8 year old Grace had sent a text saying, "Good night'. What a blessed life we have!!!

Saturday morning I am told by Irv, was wonderful though. It was the second Marietta Vineyard "Men of Valor" breakfast meeting at the Ronnie John Restaurant and Cafe. Two guys from church own this restaurant, one of whom is from California, Dude (as the monk in CA told Irv) so the cuisine is wild and wonderful. One man mentioned that he has been helping a homeless man and has gotten him into a shelter but he has some other needs and Irv decided he wants to be part of meeting those needs. I am so proud of him.

As always, we enjoyed our Wednesday
Grocery Shopping followed by a quick rest.
Dinner and on to Bible Study where we
finding the "birthmarks" of believers in the
book  of 1 John... going verse by verse

Tuesday we gave ourselves a treat at the Picture Show at Merchants Walk where for $1.00 each you can see a great movie... a special treat for Irv. We saw the "Three Stooges", his childhood favorite. Lots of belly laughs. He said during the movie, thunder rolled but I didn't hear it. When we got out of the movie, it was pouring and the front of the movie was flooded past the curb so Irv ran to get the car and I braved the floods to get to the car (God did not part the waters, I forgot to ask but I did pray for it to stop). By the time we get the 4 miles home, it was over. Not a drop on us going into our apartment.  

Since I seem to be doing 2 weeks of fun, I don't want to forget to tell you about our great new restaurant find... "The Cuban Diner".  I told the server and owner, this may be the best food I ever had in a restaurant. The owner came to the U.S. from Cuba when he was 30 years old (not that long ago). He and his wife opened the restaurant 4 years ago and it's doing great. It is family owned and when you dine there, you are family. We'll be going back. Our server was good enough to share the ingredients in my meal so I was off next day to buy a bottle of Bitter Orange Marinade. As Julie said last night, a week of dining at our house is a world tour... Indian Curry one night, Cuban next, Thai Meatloaf the next and who knows... such fun!!!

You are beginning to think I'm sure that all we do is go out to eat, make worldly meals at home, go to church, worship and pray, and go to the movies. Well, there's more... We don't miss Wheel of fortune and Jeopardy, Bill O'Reily and baseball. Irv goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and this week met his goal to ride the stationary bike 100 miles in one week. I am still busy organizing the apt. One day, everything will be just where I want it and I won't have anything to do!!! If you believe that, I'll sell you some swamp land in GA.

Hope you get a laugh and rejoice with us in God's blessings as we pray His blessings on you all.