Friday, January 10, 2014

Birthday Blessings

My birthday started by finding a greeting card from Irv by the coffee pot. He knows where I go first. I opened the card and was immediately concerned as I couldn't read what he wrote. What's wrong with him that he just wrote a scribble? Did he have a clot in his brain? NO... he just wrote his greeting backwards to be funny and cute!!! He was so proud of himself as well he should be. What a great surprise and treat!

Next as I was painting my face, Daughter-in-law, Faith called. I was grateful that she took the time to call in her busy tax season and sorry I only had a short time to talk since I had to get on the road.

Irv and I have a new favorite, pre-AL trip breakfast place... J. Christopher's. The food is very good and plentiful. You know I took a to-go box which included the large strawberry blintz topped with whip cream they gave me for my birthday. (happy Irv ate it for breakfast this morning)

So now on the way to AL on this grey GA morning. No matter, there's sunshine in our hearts cause we love driving trips and AL cheap gas.  I check to find which pocket of cheap gas is lowest so we can fill up on the way home... there it is: Oxford, AL at $2.99. Irv paid $3.04 at Sam's Club in Marietta but as he will tell you... a nickel a gallon is a nickel to me.

Grandson Eric called on the way to AL with birthday greetings so we got to hear about his trip to Israel. An organization whose goal is to connect young Jewish Americans with Israel, the Promised Land and so provide a completely free 10 days trip and Eric did connect. Last year Grandson, Adam was able to take the trip. Both enjoyed Masada and the story of those ancestors' courage most and next being able to spend several days with 3 young people in the military.

We get to the University of AL Dental School (UAB) early but no matter. Soon our resident Dr. Matthew Rasmussen (Dr. Huggybear to his friends including us) takes us back for Irv's procedure. Let me back up to share our breathtaking blessing. In December Irv was referred to the UAB periodontal department for an exam and consultation about more extensive treatment so we met with Dr. Huggybear and his professor (all professors are practicing dentists as well) for another exam and consultation regarding treatment. Dr. Huggybear said, "no charge as you are ongoing patients". Wow, that's nice! I asked him for an estimate of charges for the upcoming January procedure. He said, "Nominal, I'm sure" so I expected, based on past charges $40-70.

Yesterday, not only did he do the procedure but... cleaned stains off Irv's teeth (not included... on no, more money). Next the professor checked his work and discussed further treatment. After we scheduled our next appointment, I asked where we pay on the periodontal floor. Dr. Huggybear said, "oh, no charge. I didn't do much." What??? He did over and hour's worth of work plus at least 10 minutes with the professor. I said, "Hey, I don't want UAB to go broke. AL's football coach just got a raise to $7,000,000 a year." He laughed and said, "no worries, you all are so nice. No charge". We were speechless and couldn't stop talking about God's unexpected, surprise blessing all the way home. Really, have you ever heard of such a thing????? 

I told  Daughter, Julie, " we can drive over for Irv's regularly scheduled quarterly special cleaning and pay the  fee, gas and dinner out on the way home for only $2.35 more than the goniff  (Yiddish word: an unscrupulous opportunist who stoops to sharp practice; thief) dentist in Marietta charged us for "now we know the difference) a not so good cleaning. I heard a Baptist preacher on tape years ago say, "We can give (shovel it out) as fast as we can but... God's got a bigger shovel to put more back in". That was our experience yesterday and we thank Him.

Irv took me to Maggiano's Italian Restaurant for dinner. Two treats, they have an eat one here and take one home for another day special on 8 different entrees and... we missed rush hour traffic.

Son, Ben then Son, Matthew called with greetings. Of course, I talked their ears off but finally at 10pm, we settled down to our Netflix movie. Son, Michael put it on our TV at Christmas.

Another birthday and most of all... thinking of my Mother who gave birth and raised me with care.

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