Saturday, December 1, 2012

2012 Greetings and Blessings from Georgia

  1. Shalom, mercy, grace.
                                Irv and I give thanks to God, praying always for you.

A year of tearful, sad Goodbyes to…
children Sharon, Arno,  and grandson Lucas, Keys Vineyard Church and beloved friends, our RV, keys warm winters, peaceful ocean, gentle breezes and glorious, golden sunsets but… medical care, frugal shopping venues limited but great to keep up with all on  Facebook!!!

Hello to Georgia (who says you can’t go home again?) Feels sooooooo good!!!

~ Back to children Julie, Michael, Cam and grandchildren Kelly, Emily and Grace, cousins Lanny and wife Diane, Debbie and husband Greg. Friends in Wanda’s hometown, at birth and can still point out the house (not a hospital) where the big event took place

~ lovely, huge (to us after 40' RV for 6 years), Swiss Family Robinson apartment in a beautiful wooded setting… Half-way to heaven in the GA pines. Dinner on the balcony Spring, Summer and Fall. Back to season changes. Had an above average warm winter and not too hot summer…
weather not a problem, I still stand on... 
 James 5:17-18… Elijah, human just like us, prayed it wouldn't rain, it didn't - not a drop for 3 ½ years. Then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. "
Thanks to our children/grandchildren and friends w/o whom, we couldn’t have made the move. Boxes from Cheryl Doerfel ; Sharon/Arno’s UPS discount shipping and all those great kitchen appliances; Michael who “put us, “Jack the cat” up until we moved into apt; Julie furnished bedroom (kingsize bed, linens, night stand, lamps); Cam furnished living, dining room; Michael gave TV’s. Matthew, grandson, Caleb flew in from DC. Along with Michael, Granddaughter, Grace, Julie and Kelly moved us in. Wouldn’t let us lift a finger!  They left, all was in place, bed made, we’re set!  Too many who contributed and blessed us to mention. Thanks to 5+ thrift stores close by, we’ve (within budget) decorated beautifully and created a gourmet kitchen for Irv to make those scrumptious, healthy meals.
~ 95 churches w/in 5 miles of our apt. New friends at Messianic Congregation Mishkan David on Shabbat and Marietta Vineyard on Lord’s Day . Monthly visit to church we attended in GA 2008-2009. Then B&B Diner lunch, owners are straight from Brooklyn/Queens as evidenced by their bagels so BIG Irv can’t eat one. Linger over lunch until 2pm closing, they give bags filled with ½ dozen free bagels. YEH!!!

~ Massive Atlanta VA Medical Center with valet parking. Everyone there has “treated” Irv great! Irv is involved in a 9 year blood pressure NIH study administered by VA.

Civilian healthcare on every corner. At the Senior Center we found a great doctor  specializing in geriatric care. It was love at first shot (Did I really say that?).

~ stores, food stores (too many to count w/in 3 miles). Restaurants as far as the eye can see. No recession in GA. I hear tell (as they say in GA) if I eat at a different restaurant every day of my life, live to be 100, I won’t have to eat at the same restaurant twice

~ Free activity, exercise and/or entertainment every day of the week…

          Our apt complex sponsors dinners, jazz concerts by pool , fitness center, more…

          “Nosh Fest” at local synagogue. Dr. Brown Cream Soda, Potato Latka, Kosher Pickle, Knish, Kugel and… Irv ate a Corn Beef Sandwich.

 State of the art Senior Centers… lectures, movies, lunch; Aquatic center: 21 swimming lanes, water walking. Irv walks 10+ miles a week at his favorite: East Cobb Park and carved a great walking stick out of a limb then wrote his name, park, year and will add years as he continues walking. Goes to Cosmos Gym free (AARP Senior Sneakers). met his goal of riding 100 miles on the stationary bike in one month for his birthday in July.

Library: great movies “Memphis Belle”; State Park and zoo free passes. Local $1 movie on Tuesday but goes up to $1.75 otherwise

 Kennesaw State University’s senior program “Olli” socials (dinner, dancing with live band )  every 3 months… 1940’s, Luau, Halloween parties to name a few

~ Great visit to grandson, Jason and lovely UK bride, Karina’s wedding weekend at the WV Mtn Camp where they met, fell in love and to see Best Men, Grandsons Adam and Eric, Family, extended family… new UK family and friends. Next DC to visit Matthew, Kristianne, Grandchildren: Madeleine, Caleb and Owen. Who slept with granddog, 95 pound Texas? Oh, and walked 75 pound Granddog, Georgia. US!!!  Baltimore next to spend a night with Ben and Faith. Irv loved the Maryland Crabs!!!  Thanks all for the great hospitality.

~ Football BIG in GA. High School games on TV. UGA playing for SEC, GA Tech playing for ACC Championships.  No one replaces Redskins or Ravens but Irv likes Falcons.

~ Praise, glory to God… His promises are sure, everlasting. He orchestrated our move, blesses us, provides ALL needs, showers abundant blessing. Deuteronomy 28 excerpts   “all will come, blessing…  in city and country; your children (grandchildren,) basket, bread bowl. He'll bless you in the land (Georgia), form you (us) as people holy to him, as he promised;  lavish you with good things, throw open doors, bless the work (service) you take in hand; You will lend not have to take  loans (or credit cards)”
~ Chag Chanukah Sameach… Blessed are You, our G-d Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and has commanded us to Kindle the Chanukah light. A Lichtigin Chanukah
~ Merry Christmas  "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us. Happy Birthday Jesus




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