Friday, May 25, 2012

CTT Friday Festivities

Is it the water or just love in the clear, fresh air.  CTT is truly a special place for more than one reason. Jason and Karina are not the only ones to find true love in the blue ridge mountains of W V.
Before Jason or Karina had even been considered, CTT was known as Camp Teen Town. 
Ben Gershowitz first attended camp when he was 7 years old then one life-changing night  in the late 70′s, he kidnapped Faith Ostrow and that crime of passion has lead to a lifetime of love. Benji (yea, they used to call him that…) drove by the barn with his windows down while a friend distracted Faitho (yep). Next thing she knew, she was headfirst into Benji’s car screaming and legs kicking out the window.  Details of the beginning of other love stories are more … hazy … (cough * Aunt Renee and Uncle Neil * cough.) 
In 1995 Jason went to CTT while Aunt Renee was the Camp Mom. It was a summer that (along with stories from his elders) would draw Jason back to camp as a counselor in the summer 2007.
In 2004, Karina went to a Camp Fair in London England with her Mum, Carole, where they ploughed through many camps trying to decide which was going to give the best summer experience (Karina was ready to give up and head home, but Carole pushed on the pursuit, something that will be forever known as her fault for what was to come!) and soon they came across CTT – a small, friendly, family owned business in WV, looking for a drama & dance instructor – perfect.
After saying farewell to her family for 3 months and having a summer full of adventures & making lifelong friendships it was to become the most special summer home for the next 3 years.
In 2007, Karina decided to give camp a break as she graduated from University and took on numerous shows in the theatre fresh out of school. This was the summer Jason would return to camp as a counselor.
In 2008, after a New years reunion in Houston, Texas (yeah H-town!) Karina’s buddies told her she should come back for one last summer – 2007 was the best and she had missed it very much so, the plan was to return for one last summer and upon return to the UK make the move to London.
Summer 2008 – changed Karina and Jason’s lives forever. When they met, sparks flew.  Jason invited Karina to one of several sunrise picnics, once deciding to see what the sun looks like coming up from the pool deck. The tension was too much, and their lips met at exactly the same time as Uncle Jerry (camp owner) called out as he approached the pool to check water levels. 3 years later, the kiss Uncle Jerry witnessed keeps coming.  Thanks to  Glenn Smith  (camp owner) for all he has done to help us along the way.
They (does anyone know who "they" are yet) say long distance relationships have no chance.  Jason and Karina Skyped and scraped their pennies to fly  back and forth across the pond as their love grew with the days and miles.
After enduring two years of long distance, considering themselves  true romantics, along with their love for Shakespeare’s written word, poetry, and theatrics – The CTT owner sponsored and hired Karina so she was able to get a work visa in the U.S. and fly across the pond permanently
Lord Jason, perfect knight asks his lady for her hand at the Tower of London. Is it true that Karina's father, Roy proposed to her mother, Carole on his knee at the Tower. AND SO IT BEGAN...
(Karina and Jason's message) WELCOME! We are so excited to welcome you to our “Mid Summer Night’s Dream” wedding weekend at CTT  where we met and fell in love in the most magical summer of 2008 and so so excited you are here… We have done our very best to organize the most fun-filled, unforgettable wedding weekend of our dreams as we become Mr. & Mrs. and share this momentous occasion with all the wonderful people so special to us, YOU! Many of you will be traveling from all over the country and many even the world to celebrate with us on this, the most amazing day of our lives and we couldn’t be more thankful.
So here Irv and I are at this remote camp in the WV mountains with a Cupid's history...

Once settled in, the meet and greet over, we head down the hill to the wedding rehearsal at 4pm. Ring Bearer, Grandson Lucas and Flower Girl, Olivia (Karina's niece) wait their turn to practice as Jason, Karina, and Best man, brother Adam do a run through ceremony.

After the rehearsal, all of us showered and sweat removed... 

The Gershowitz Family invite us to the catered BBQ Dinner. Get your drinks from the canoe filled with ice.
Notice all are taking pictures on top of each other.
Next, Cupid's Cabaret in a cabin transformed by Ellen Goddard, Maid of Honor and Best Men Adam and Eric into a theatre who would do "The Old Vic" in London proud.
After great performances, Jason and Karina hand out gifts to wedding party.
pictured below are a few of the recipients... Adam, Eric , Ellen and Flower Girl, Olivia

 After Cupid's Cabaret, Irv and I with flashlight in hand (no lights at CTT... darker than the inside of a cow) carefully arm in arm walk to our cabin but... not the young revelers who move on down to the lake for a campfire that rumor has it lasted until 2, 3, 4 in the morning? How are they ever going to walk down the aisle?

                              Are you ready for the "Big Day" tomorrow?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you had an excellent festive season. Ours was also a great one. Halloween theme party with my friends was arranged at event venues Chicago jointly. Also the exquisite dishes were ordered with timely supplies of various drinks. Ideas of hiring the DJ and theme were given by my sister. It was a lovely memorable party.