Our destination for tonight is Stoney Creek Resort in Greenville, VA. Even though there are pictures on the website and directions to a park... you just never know, it's an adventure and getting to this park was like an adventure park roller coaster... you can see the top of the hill but have no idea what to expect when you top it and most of the time on this road... it is downhill into a curve to the left followed by a curve to the right. We had to make a turn in Greenville that if we had "another coat of paint, we wouldn't have made it and... I thought sure we would have to break in half to make it.

We were warned that this was a "Bikers Weekend" at the park which is fine... we like Bikers. The park was lovely and Saturday night we were treated to an outdoor live band concert... country and Ole' time rock and roll, my favorites. The children were dancing, Dad's with their little daughters and some alone. Irv remarked how Lucas would love it... he loves to dance! This park has many weekend retreat guests. It's not huge but big enough for the retreat guests to all have golf carts. At the concert, we sat in our chairs surrounded by 20+/- folks in golf carts. There was an awards ceremony for the Bikers who won contests, some of whom we had met at the pool earlier. I mentioned to Irv how we never know what the future holds... not even the next minute. I found that out when one minute, my Mother, Kelly, Emily and I were enjoying a craft fair and the next my Mother was lying on the ground tossed out of her wheelchair. The future hold wonderful blessings as well... little did we know on Saturday morning we would be enjoying a concert Saturday night. As our friend, Russ Scholl says, "God is good, all the time... all the time, God is good". We learned a new term for our beloved Walmart... the $100 store. One of the guys says he can never get out of there without spending $100. At the pool we shared the terrible road and turns coming into the park and a biker told us a better (longer but better) way to get back on I-81 for which we were very thankful.
We decided to stay at Stoney Creek to attend church services Sunday monring. The were few of us but the kind as the country "Self-made" preacher said, "Where two or three are gathered". Irv and I admired his dedication to his Lord and us.
Next Stop... Walmart in Bristol, VA. Great parking and cool weather... low 59 degrees. We walked over to a Mexican restaurant where Irv ordered the special... the server came out with four platters, one for me and three for Irv. This is the first time since I've know him to ask for a box to go. Irv discovered the "Red Box" in Walmart where you can rent a DVD for the evening for $1... all set!!! Yahoo!!!
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