Memorial Day... for Remembering service men and women who have served, been injured and/or gave their life for our country. Cherry Hill RV Park is host to 300+/- bikers who are here for "Rolling Thunder" in DC. One of the camp hosts told us when these folks leave, there is no need to even clean their campsite... they police it up to perfection.
Yesterday a tribute by motorcyclists gathered at the Pentagon and rolled down their Washington, DC parade route. Begun in 1987 after the Vietnam War to put pressure on the government to not forget the POW's and MIA's. Two men understood they had a right to have their voices heard and proceeded to lay down the plans for a gathering in Washington, D.C. during the 1988 Memorial Day weekend. Their arrival would be announced by the roar of their motorcycles, a sound not unlike the 1965 bombing campaign against North Vietnam dubbed Operation Rolling Thunder. Hence, they would call themselves "Rolling Thunder" a title that would endure time and be trademarked in 1990. Word spread quickly and by Memorial Day weekend in 1988, approximately 2,500 motorcycles from all over the country converged on Washington, D.C. On that day, the foundation was laid for the annual "Ride for Freedom" to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall (also referred to as the "Ride to the Wall"). The number of participants/spectators in the Memorial Day weekend Ride for Freedom has grown from 2,500 to an estimated 900,000. In 2007, Rolling Thunder Charities, Inc. was established These funds are used for veterans, active military and their families in need of help. No officers of Rolling Thunder Charities, Inc. receive compensation; we all donate our time. Rolling Thunder, Inc. spends hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in financial aid, food, clothing and other essentials to veterans, homeless veterans and veterans' families in need, women's' crisis centers and toys for children.
This group is not the only one to raise funds... Sharon and Arno introduced us the annual Florida Keys Motorcycle Poker Run from Key Largo to Key West for Charity. Last year 30,000 arrived in Key West and Duval Street was closed off to welcome them.
Irv and I have no plans today and thought we'd do some sightseeing but he decided we should just be slugs... I thoroughly agreed. Irv went to the pool around noon then over to the big screen TV theater area at the park to watch the Lacrosse finals. He suggested we had to use our 20% off coupon at the "Star Cafe" in the park so we had a Hot Fudge Sunday sitting by the pool.
June 1st, Tuesday morning dawns early... Irv's appointment with orthopedist at 9:30am. Dr. Kunec sends us for MRI in the afternoon and sets appointment to review on Thursday which will set our travel plans back a day but I want an answer... is it neck problems causing shoulder pain or rotator cuff problems causing neck pain. Have we done everything we could?
Between appointments...
Our previous primary care, Dr. Armstrong's office is next to Dr. Kunec so we stop in to say hello. Shouts, smiles and hugs all around. As we were being introduced to the new "girl", she looked at me and said, "What is your first name?". I told her Wanda and she said, "Wanda, Wanda Teems... Julie's mom. It's me, Liz". Julie and Liz were great friends and worked together as a hostess at Tag's restaurant in their teens. Liz and I emailed for a while but had lost touch.
we have a joyous time visiting our friends/neighbors, the Laccarrubas on Briarcroft Lane. John is 89 years old, has serious Parkinson's but refuses to stop chopping wood. He has to sit in a chair to do it but he does it. John was Irv's mentor in the art of wood chopping and we bought cords of wood from him for our fireplace.
We stopped by Oaklands Presbyterian Church where we began our churched years together. Pastor Paul retired as of last Sunday so we were fortunate to find him in the office as well as finding two other friends there.
Next stop... Olive Garden for our favorite "all you can eat soup and salad" lunch and on to the MRI after which we head for home for a relaxing evening.
Wednesday... dinner with friend, Nancy and... surprise: Jim and Grace Fischetti who took us to Irv's favorite Longhorn. We spent hours catching up, sharing rv (Jim and Grace has a 27' years ago), children and grandchildren stories. How great to see them!!!
Thursday... Dr. Kunec tells us his wife has similar neck problems as Irv and with a cortisone injection has been pain free so far for two years. He recommended the procedure and doctors to do it. Turns out Nancy gets the same injection from the same doctors so we felt very comfortable. Now all God has to do is get us an appointment tomorrow which Dr. Kunec said might take some begging and pleading which is Wanda's specialty. God is so good and Dr. Collins (not the one in FL) agreed to stay after his Noon hour to do it on Friday.
What a great treat... a friend from Keys Vineyard Church in Big Pine Key where we attend called this morning to ask when we are coming back. At the 50th birthday celebration for Pastor Steve Wednesday night after church with 150 people, she said everyone was asking her and missing us. We miss them also!!!
Doctor and staff are as great in person as on the phone. Irv gets an injection of cortisone, anesthesia and contrast and he... is feeling no pain... in his neck, shoulder or ear!!! Is it just men? He has been in so much pain for so long but just thought he would have to leave with it. He told the doctor on a scale of 1-10... he's been 10 for a long time... no more!!! Praise be!!!
So we'll be heading south Saturday morning. We've been at Cherry Hill since last Friday... it seems forever since we've been driving down the road but... as Willie says "On the road again". Stay tuned!
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