Monday, January 6, 2014

How quick can a woman move furniture?

My son, Michael was born in January 1960 and the next summer, we moved into our first home... an Atlanta Public Housing apartment across from GA Tech with concrete floors at a rent of $29 a month including utilities. Our heat didn't cost them anything... we had radiator steam heat that came from Atlanta's trash burning incinerator. Read an article in Forbe's Magazine on a town in Connecticut who has gone back to using trash to generate electricity and has become a huge success that other towns are looking into doing. When daughter, Julie was born, they moved us to a two bedroom apartment... no rent increase. What a deal, half a block from GA Tech.

 I tell you this to tell you when we moved to Maryland into a three bedroom, hardwood floor, air conditioned apartment for $157 a month, I thought I was in "hog heaven". 

Happily, my neighbor, Geri Scholl across the hall took me under her wing and we became fast friends. She lost her battle with cancer 11 years ago but am still best friends with her husband, Russ and his second wife, Kathy. Anyway... every Friday Geri and I cleaned and did laundry... I mean cleaned from the closets out and... moved every stick of furniture. God forbid our husbands would come home in the dark, they'd kill themselves tripping over furniture from week to week Again, I tell you this to tell you... I am addicted (as is my daughter-in-law, Cam) to moving furniture and re-arranging in general.

Irv ran over to Sam's Club to fill up with gas so we would have plenty to drive over to my eye doctor appointment Monday morning and... he wouldn't have to stand outside in -2,000 degrees to pump it.

Remember I am up to Step 2 with the Christmas decorations but... my burning desire was to re-arrange the living room furniture... just didn't like it the way it was so I figured I could do it in the time it took Irv to get gas. Sam's is 2.2 miles away and takes 4+/- minutes to get there so plenty of time. Man, was just putting the last table in place when he walked in the door. Cool beans!!!

Afterward I did put the decorations in boxes and am ready for Step 3... find a closet where the boxes will fit. Cousin Diane passed some additional decorations down to us so need to find space.

Did I really say "Cool Beans"? Irv had asked for Bean Soup... our winter favorite with corn bread. I make my soup from dry beans so I put big white butterbeans, Navy beans, small and large dark red kidney beans on to cook as I moved furniture and boxed the decorations. Added carrots, celery, spices and black bean corn salsa... done! Of course, you can't make just a little so my black cast iron dutch oven was full but... winter is great. Irv put it out on our patio or as we call it our "second fridge".


Actually, it might freeze! Oh, did I forget to tell you we finished the Mascarpone Cheesecake for desert. Too bad... back to ice cream!

Very happy camper except not satisfied with frames and placement of Christmas Pictures on living room walls but as Miss Scarlett from whom I learned about how to be a spoiled southern girl (for all you yankees... that's Gone with the Wind) said, "I can't think about that today! I'll just go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow. After all tomorrow is another day.". Got to assume the position on the sofa and watch some football!!!

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