Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Falling down on the job

I can't believe I haven't posted since Friday... as my son would say "unbelievable".

You may have guessed January is a big birthday month... 1st Granddaughter, 8th Elvis and me 9th.  January 10th is Jay Fischetti's birthday. Jay is friend to my son, Matthew and son of my real estate broker, Jim and his wife, Grace who are my friends in Laurel, Maryland from way back. Can't believe Jay is 40 something. I wished him "Happy Birthday" on Facebook and reminded him of when he was 10 and son, Matthew 9... they talked me into taking them to the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. We had dinner at McGee's... where I met Irv Gershowitz. Story goes 10 year old Jay told his mother, Grace "Ms. Teems is going to marry him" and... she did!

Saturday morning finds us at Shabbat services. Irv and I are so blessed to have found Mishkan David. Rabbi's sermons, the worship, fellowship and friendship is a true blessing to us.

Saturday afternoon begins NFL playoff games. As I told someone today... every team I wanted to win lost so if you're a betting person, now you know who to bet on... any team I want to loose. No matter, it's just a game. Right!

Saturday evening, January 11th was a wonderful birthday celebration for daughter, Julie. She hosted nine of us for "make your own gourmet pizza". First find the parchment paper with your name on it to put your individual Indian bread on, then here are just  few of our topping choices... 7 different cheeses, figs, dates, lox, olives, red and white sauce, peppers, sauteed garlic (I can't remember them all). And desert... she made her Grandmother, Dot's strawberry cake and homemade cheesecake. She made a great meal for her birthday. 

The subject became changing flat tires... reminded my sister-in-love of a January when we were sixteen and had driven her father's Studebaker up to High Tower Mountain just outside Cedartown, GA to prepare for a surprise birthday party. We were presented with a flat tire when finished and ready to go home. No big deal, we can change it... unbeknownst to us, on a Studebaker one turns the lug nuts the opposite way. No worries we figured it out and as they say the rest is history and an amusing story to tell at gatherings.

Sunday is NFL football playoffs and preparing for our carpets to be cleaned on Monday. Taking a break from my preparations... 
 I check Facebook and surprise... I have a message asking if I'm Wanda Szypulski and attended Sylvan High School. I replied, yes and my long, lost friend and I began messaging back and forth with memories long since forgotten. Turns out I dated her brother and... she had visited my home on a number of occasions when my Mother asked her to dinner and... was baptized in my church. I don't remember that at all. Remember her face and... of course, her brother. Someone I met 60 years ago back in my life and we can't wait to get together. What a blessing... God is soooooooooo good!

Monday morning, final preparations for carpet cleaning. Our kitty, Jack has a sensitive stomach so regardless of copious clean-ups and ordinary dirt, carpet is really dirty. Jack say, "Who me?"...  and laundry. 

Our apartment has a place for a washer/dryer but I didn't want to spend the money when we moved to Marietta in 2012 and now... the space is filled floor to ceiling and wall to wall as a pantry so we washed clothes at Julie's until her washer broke. Now we use the laundry facility at our apartment complex. Much quicker... I only wash once a month so fill all the machines at one time! Afterward we went to Home Depot so I could buy a 4x8 piece of press board and have them cut four strips. I am putting it on top of my kitchen cabinets so I can put decorative but items I use on top of cabinets... more "stuff". 

Tuesday, continuing to put "stuff" back in place which takes a very long time as I am cleaning each item as I go and what else... re-arranging. Irv took the other two strips of press board and is making shelves in our balcony storage room so he can have more "stuff". 

As my Mother would say, "Now we are to pooped to pop" so Magianno's leftovers for dinner and goodnight to all.


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