Leavin' Ramblin' Pines near Baltimore for Cherry Hill RV Park in College Park, MD near DC but first... a stop in Ellicott City with our dermatologist. Irv and I have discovered there are doctors we love all over the east coast. We visited our Opthomologist, Dr. Frances Dickersen (Dickie) McMullan in GA. It just cracks me up... old Atlanta,Buckhead, Piedmont Driving Club society with the nick name "Dickie" but she's the best!!! So now a visit to Dr. Ngyuen for Irv and me. She diagnosed and removed the Basil Cancer on my face in 1998 but told me I might have to have a second surgery to get more clear skin which I did. She sent me to her professor and still surgeon at the University of MD Hospital in Baltimore who I was told would "filet me like a fish". Having scouted out the area last Wednesday, we know the coach can be parked at the Giant food store parking lot while we take the car over to her office... have to do these things as you can't park this coach on a stamp.
I would be remiss to not mention we get to cross another river on the way to Cherry Hill RV Park... number 6, the Patuxent.

Here we are at Cherry Hill RV Park... unbelievable!!! What a great resort... an olympic size, heated pool and second beach entry huge pool with fountain, cafe, miniature golf, hayrides and outdoor movies at night... plus bus to DC for sight seeing. No wonder they are expensive. All settled in for the week so hurry to Tampico, our favorite restaurant in our old hometown of Laurel, MD. We decide to drive past our old house for a look. Notice the beautiful, $1,000 Pella front door. Irv and I were laughing (now we can laugh) as we were telling someone the story about Irv reading an article in the Washington Post about how to cut your the cost of your home owner's insurance by raising your deductible which we did... the next week, his weed wacker caught a stone and slung it through our glass front door. Our neighbor, Pat Behenna was outside and asked us in for a visit with she and husband, Jim so we spend a pleasant time hearing their stories about daughter and grandchildren as well as what's doing in Laurel. Pat is very active in the community.

Can't wait to go into DC to see those DC Teems. We will have to wait to see Georgia and Texas (puppies in picture who are now... 18 month old, 55 and 85 pound Labs bigger than Key Deer) as they are in Doggie Day Care for the day so Kristianne's parent's dog, Sadie can come out of the attic playroom for a while. Sadie is afraid of the "puppies".

A gourmet lunch has been prepared by Kristianne which we enjoy as Madeleine, Caleb and Owen share all their stories. I asked the children what they would like to do when we came to DC... Madeleine(10 yrs) wanted to walk to the Broadbranch Market; Caleb (8 yrs) wanted to just visit; and Owen (6 yrs) wanted to go to a museum. After lunch we take a walk to the famous Broadbranch Market. Matthew tells me the DC Teems neighborhood was rated number three in the top three of the Washington, DC metro area(the only one actually in DC.)and the market was featured in the article. The top two were VA neighborhoods. Not many neighborhood markets left. (Note Madeleine's new braces on her teeth. Kristianne tells me she is so good... eats nothing forbidden with her braces)

LaFayette Elemtary School is across the street from the market. The Teems children attend this school and you may remember it is the only public school Obama looked at for his girls and DC Mayor Fenty's chldren attend. The children wanted to stop and play on the new "greentop playground".
The Teems home is circa 1940's with an attic playroom (Mary Poppins) and children still play up and down the street and walk to school as in years gone by. But I go off on a bunny trail as our pastor says... we went to the market for ice cream.
Back home, we are entertained by Madeleine's stories about her interests in art and... her brothers; Caleb's wrestling and baseball exploits as well as Owen's baseball accomplishments. After a great dinner finished with homemade pound cake, strawberries and more ice cream followed by Owen's comments on how he "killed" that pound cake, we head back to Cherry Hill and look forward to Owen's baseball game on Sunday.

With sadness, our visit ends and we look forward to meeting up with the DC Teems in St. Petersburg, FL the Sunday before Thanksgiving to support Kristianne as she runs her first half Marathon (13 miles).

As we have some time after the game and before meeting the Gershowitz'for dinner, we take a short tour of the largest Roman Catholic church in the United States and North America, and one of the ten largest churches in the world, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception welcomes pilgrims and tourists alike from across the country and around the world.
Next with gladness in our hearts we are on the way to meet up with the Gershowitz family for dinner with Jason and Karina who will be gladly welcomed back to the USA from across the pond.
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