In Marathon, we have used a DirecTV dish but knew on our trip we would be TV-less. We have a wonderful library in Marthon where we check out classic DVD's. They couldn't let us keep DVD's for our six week trip but did let us take 10 VCR tapes and the whole Mitford series books for me. Thanks, Miss Beverly!!!
After getting settled... slides open and Jack happy, we desert him to visit Julie for Mother's Day evening. Even after driving back and forth to Athens (150 miles round trip) three days in a row, she has prepared a wonderful meal plus a gift of books... my favorite. We enjoy our meal almost as much as catching up with all Julie and Emily's news. Now it's countdown to Emily's high school graduation.
Diagnosis complete and parts ordered. Next, on to our RV repairman, Roger's place in Cumming, GA to have him look at a little bodywork damage. It's so good to see Roger, his son, Russell and Miguel (who do all the work it seems... sorry Roger). We became such good friends during our year in Georgia. We'll park on our beautiful, new Super Walmart until we take the coach back to Roger on Thursday. Then we'll live on his lot until Saturday. What a deal... repair your coach and put you up on his lot.
Monday night Michael takes us out to dinner for Mother's Day at Ted's Montana grill where Irv feasts on a Buffalo burger. Michael surprises us with gifts from his trip to Australia... a jacket for me and cap for Irv.
Matthew and Kristianne gave us AMC Theater and Starbucks gift cards for Christmas 2008 which was great as we were a mile from both in Georgia but in Florida the closet AMC is 100+ miles. There is a Starbucks in old town Key West. Back to our old ways... Tuesday night is Senior night(half-price... do you see a trend? I love getting old). We have enough left on the card for two admissions and only had to kick in a quarter to get a box of candy. Yahoo! Now to hit Starbucks for a quick, nourishing breakfast Wednesday morning.

Thursday we are honored to be given a tour of the Wesleyan Campus, Grace's school by six year old Grace herself. She loves school and her uniform.

No blond jokes about Grace. She is a computer genius. Quick deer story about Grace. As Cam is driving her to school, they see someone has hit a deer and it's on the side of the road. Six year old Grace immediately declares she's going to create a website to teach people not to hurt animals. As you can see by the picture, she is in a computer world all to herself. She is a real techie... sends me text messages all the time from her IPhone. After the tour we eat a sumptuous feast at P.F. Changs... Irv and I were particularly taken with the lettuce leaf roll ups. Atlanta has more restaurants per square inch than any city in the US... maybe the world... and all so good! And... the best landscaping (must use cuticle sissors) and... roads!!!God has "created" a wonderful girl!
Sunday we enjoy a piano recital at Wesleyan where Graces takes piano lessons. She's a star!!!

Atlanta also is home to two dams which support two huge lakes... Lanier and Allatoona, home to a dozen campgrounds, all built by whom... the Corp of Engineers of course (half-price). Wednesday, we check out a couple of campgrounds on Lake Lanier supported by the Buford Dam which blocks a portion of the Chattahoochee River. Irv and I take a ride out to the Dam which was almost complete in 1956. There is a picture somewhere in the picture box at Julie's of my granddaddy (Papa at 81 years old) and me at 16 years old complete with the fashion of the day... high heel shoes even touring a dam site (no pun intended).Irv and I drove down, down into the valley where here the Chattahoochee flows gently. People are fishing on the bank and some use the ramp to put in their boat. I was so intriged by the sign about the rushing dam waters. I wanted to see the big event but when I called for the times, it was too long a wait for us. Wouldn't that be a sight... such rushing waters. "Many years" ago when I was a child, my uncle and his friends used to night fish at Gunnersville Dam in northern AL. One of them foolishly tied his boat "on both ends" at the gates to the dame so when the water was released, he was drowned.
Friday we drive over to Allatoona to check out a couple of campgrounds as we are moving back to the west side of town Saturday. We choose Victoria Campground and Marina for an eight day stay. Does this look familiar?

Next, Emily's graduation week begins... what fun!!!
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