Palm Sunday evening was our Passover Sedar. God's chosen people and adopted, gentile children gathered together at St. Columba Episcapol Church in Marathon to hear the story that has been told from generation to generation... told again by Sharon's power point presentation. There were white linen tablecloths overlaid with palm branches from St. Columba's Nature Garden (plam trees in picture). We celebrated God's delivering His people from Egypt... but close your eyes and visualize Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a path of palm branches to deliver us. It is so easy here in the keys surrounded by palm trees and sand.
Wednesday night is regular Bible Study at our church, Keys Vineyard in Big Pine where we are studying the New Testament one chapter at a time. We are in the book of John in the last chapters of Jesus week on earth. This week, the chapter where Jesus prayed for the disciples and all those to follow who believe... us. Isn't is neat to know "Jesus" prayed for us?
Holy Thursday found Irv and Wanda at the Marathon Community United Methodist Church whose motto is "The perfect church for Imperfect People", for the Passover Seder which as we know Jesus celebrated and was a a foretelling of His body broken and blood shed so we could be "passed over" and saved for a relationship with the Father.

Good Friday found Wanda at San Pablo Catholic Church in Marathon, arriving early to walk in the peaceful gardens, meditate at the Stations of the Cross depicting Jesus suffering and sit by the quiet pool similar to the Pool at Bethsedia for prayer. The service was scripture reading of our Lord's being taken, beaten and crucified, cause for reflection on the price paid for our salvation with beautiful music in song by John Rudolph (local resident opeara star)

Good Friday night finds Wanda and Irv with friends, Judy and Gordy (beautiful christian friends who are owners of the house Sharon and Arno are leasing and are visiting from their new home in Galax, VA) at our church, Keys Vineyard for a concert. Our praise and worship bands lead us in singing songs of praise and worship at this time of remembering Jesus sacrifice. A beautiful video was shown noting Jesus suffering and Crucifixion but... Sunday's coming, Sunday's coming.
Acts 2 excepts.. God has made this Jesus whom you crucified to be both Lord and Messiah!Peter's words convicted them deeply. Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church. They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord's Supper and in prayer. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity,all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.

Saturday, Jesus has been crucified and laid in the tomb which is the perfect time for Baptism into His death. Following the example of the first believers, we gather at Bahia Honda State Park in the Atlantic Ocean where our church have their Baptisms... and BBQ celebrations. Joined again by Judy and Gordy and 150+/- others, we sing praises. Following a newborn babe's dedication by his parents to God, being surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles and believers; twenty-three are baptised in the ocean after which we feast together from God's plentiful blessing of food.

Sunday's coming... it's here... He's Risen!!! God provides Irv and Wanda last parking spot for 11am service. Services began at 8am, then 9:30am where a sumptuous breakfast buffet is served for each. Following the service, awaiting is a luncheon buffet and concert by The Dorfels who are a family... two parents, ten children (ages 21-4), daughter-in-law and one grandchild (dedicated on Saturday) who travel around in a 40' RV giving concerts, writing music and recording CD's. Their home is in Branson, MO but are in the Keys for five months. They band ages are 21, 20, 17, 14 and 13 and they sing all types of music but we enjoy their bluegrass and gospel most.
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