This is a picture of our church, Keys Vineyard Community Church baptisms at Bahai Honda State Park in the Atlantic in January 2007. This is the way it's supposed to be in the Keys in January but... instead yesterday morning at 8:30am when I put Lucas on the school bus the temperature with wind chill was 39 degrees. Friends at church told us... "I only have two long sleeved blouses"; I don't have heat in my house"; "I have blankets in the trunk for anyone who needs them". All our sweatshirts and winter clothes are either under our bed in storage or in the basement of our coach. Tomorrow it's supposed to be warm... 71 degrees before we get the second artic blast so I'll get the winter clothes out! As I told our friends at church... when we came here in June, Based on James 5:16 Elijah prayed and it didn't rain for 3 years and Elijah prayed for rain and it rained. And he was a man such as we"... I prayed for no hurricanes and we had none but it never occured to me to pray for warm weather. I prayed this morning... Amen (so be it)!!!Caption on Cartoon reads, "At least we don't get hurricanes...
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